Jul 8, 2011


I was trying to memorize the song If I Die Young lyrics by The Band Perry on YouTube this evening.Then,I accidentally read the comments posted by the viewers on that video.It was all about the murder case of Caylee Marie Anthony,a little girl who was killed by her own mother a couple years ago.The case became sensational once again lately because the judges decided for not giving death penalty to the murderer.Everyone was so shocked and started to questioning where's the justice?

That was in Florida.Enough of the States.It also happened in Malaysia.Do you remember Nurin Jazlin? She was killed in a really terrible way.It's too sad to describe it actually.She was missing for about 20 days.Her body was found inside a bag,with a cucumber and a brinjal was found stuffed inside her genitals.Even her own parents were not able to identify the body as their daughter's due to changes of her physical features.Since then,the murderer is still free from any accusation.

Suddenly,I remembered watching The Lovely Bones with my sisters about a year ago.I was so afraid if someone will kidnap my sisters.Then,he rapes and kills them.After that,he buries them elsewhere.Motherfuck,it is way too scary! God,please don't let such things happen in my life I'm begging you.I just don't know what to do with myself if I lost them.

How could human be so heartless nowadays? If you are really depressed or frustrated about something,you don't have to kill someone just to make sure that you're attaining your psychotic satisfaction.How many people like you out there? The world is no longer a safe place to live in.

To all the murderers,you could escape the world...

But you could not escape hell,Allah is watching you right now.


Anonymous said...

Exactly :)

Unknown said...

omg, i know right? the lovely bones is a really devastating movie :(

Kaluih said...

The Lovely Bones was such an inspiring movie.It thought people,young girls especially to take a good care of themselves.

amira said...

i want to watch it at once

Kaluih said...

Then,you should.I'm sure you'll not regret!

dhanial yahaya said...

The last photo is awesome! Haha