Do you like unicorn? If yes,can you please tell me why? As for me,I don't know.However,I really hope unicorns are really exist in our world.Sigh,it is a clear myth! I heard unicorns can puke rainbow,is that true? Unicorn is getting so popular these days with the publicity of mainstream artists and fashion industry.Whatever I'd still prefer Pegasus,well at least,they can fly.
I dreamed about unicorn past few days.I woke up,and tried as hard as I could to remember every inch of the appearance and features.Unfortunately,I only remembered the head.So,this is it.
Do you like it?
Awhh, so pretty.
Wow you are really something boy
I have one friend who is overly obsessed towards unicorns. Some people find it disturbing cos it ain't real. But I guess I just found it adorable to collect unicorn stuff :)
Hahah I like unicorn but as u said,pegasus is love.I love pegasus more than unicorn XD
Anyway,nice art.I love it.
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